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TL;DR Summary: Changes In Maid Insurance Coverage from 1 July 2023

  • With effect from 1 July 2023, all domestic workers/maids who are Work Permit and S Pass holders will be required to have a higher minimum annual medical insurance coverage of $60,000, with 25% co-payment by employers for claim amounts above $15,000. 

  • For employers who have already purchased a $15,000 medical insurance policy, no changes are needed. As for those who have not done so, there will be a need to renew or get a new policy with a coverage of at least $60,000 annual claim limit.

  • The above changes are part of Stage 1 enhancements, so Stage 2 which will be implemented from July 2025 onwards, will include direct reimbursement by insurers to hospitals, standardisation of allowable exclusion clauses, and age-differentiated premiums.

Coverage and Benefits of Maid Insurance

Maid insurance policies typically offer coverage for medical expenses, personal accident, and third-party liability. According to the announcements by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) made in March 2023, the newly adjusted minimum annual medical insurance coverage required is $60,000, with 25% co-payment by employers for claim amounts above $15,000. Medical expenses coverage can pay for hospitalisation, surgery, and other medical treatments for the maid in case of illness or injury.


Personal accident coverage can provide a lump sum payout in case of accidental death or permanent disability. Third-party liability coverage can protect the employer from legal liabilities in case the maid causes accidental damage or injury to a third party, such as a neighbor or a passerby.


In addition to these basic coverage options, some maid insurance policies may offer additional benefits, such as alternative maid arrangements, repatriation expenses, and theft and robbery coverage. Alternative maid arrangements can help employers find a replacement maid in case the original maid is unable to work due to illness, injury, or other reasons. 

Repatriation expenses can cover the costs of sending the maid back to her home country in case of serious illness, injury, or death. Theft and robbery coverage can provide compensation for loss or damage to the employer's property caused by the maid.

When choosing a maid insurance policy, it is important to consider your specific needs and preferences, as well as the cost of the policy. Some policies may offer more comprehensive coverage and benefits, but also come with higher premiums. Other policies may be more affordable, but may offer less coverage or benefits. It is important to strike a balance between cost and coverage, and to choose a policy that meets your requirements without exceeding your budget.

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How Much Does Maid Insurance Cost in Singapore?

The cost of maid insurance in Singapore can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of coverage, the policy limits, the age and health status of the maid, and the insurance provider. On average, maid insurance premiums in Singapore can range from $270 to more than $500 per year, depending on the coverage and benefits.

To find the most affordable and suitable maid insurance policy for your needs, it is important to compare prices and features from different insurance providers. You can use Moneysmart’s online comparison tools to compare maid insurance policies from different providers side by side. You can also consult with insurance agents or brokers to get personalized advice and recommendations based on your specific situation.

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In A Nutshell: Foreign Domestic Workers Insurance Package

Choosing and Managing Maid Insurance

When choosing a maid insurance policy, it is important to read the policy documents carefully and understand the terms and conditions, as well as any exclusions or limitations. Some insurance policies may exclude coverage for certain activities or conditions, such as extreme sports, pre-existing medical conditions, or mental illnesses. It is important to clarify any doubts or questions with the insurance provider or agent before purchasing the policy.

In addition to choosing the right insurance policy, it is also important to manage the maid insurance properly throughout the employment period. This includes keeping the insurance policy up to date, renewing it on time, and making sure that the maid is aware of her rights and benefits under the policy. Employers should also familiarize themselves with the claims process and requirements, and ensure that they have all the necessary documents and evidence in case of a claim.

Making a Claim for Maid Insurance


How do maid insurance claims work?

There are several important things to take note of before you make an insurance claim for your maid and these include knowing what type of plan you purchased, when did the incident/illness occur, what to claim for, and who is/are involved.

Here are 3 simple steps to submit your maid insurance claim:

Step 1

Inform the relevant insurance provider of the incident/illness

Once you drop your maid insurance agent a text or give a call to inform about your maid’s hospitalisation or submit your claims form via the clinic or hospital, your maid insurance agent will check if your maid’s medical treatment or bill is covered by your policy and the eligibility for the specific claim. 

Investigate your claim documents and cross-check against your maid’s former health records, and ask you to submit the required documents on behalf of your maid if necessary.

If possible, try to document the incident and gather any relevant evidence on behalf of your maid, such as medical reports, police reports, or eyewitness accounts. The insurance provider will typically require these documents to process the claim.

Step 2

Prepare and submit supporting documents

When visiting any doctor or clinic, keep your maid’s original bills, receipts, inpatient discharge summary, and medical or diagnostic reports – in English preferably or accompanied by an English translated copy by a certified translator. 

If your maid has received medical treatment at a hospital/surgery centre/specialist clinic, you may need to complete and submit the accident and hospitalisation form on her behalf and other supporting documents such as medical and laboratory reports, along with any relevant evidence you have gathered on behalf of your maid, such as photographs of the accident scene, police reports or eyewitness accounts.

Step 3

Assessment of claim and settlement

The insurance provider will then assess the claim and determine the coverage and benefits payable under the policy.

An acknowledgement email or text may be sent to you by the medical institutions or your maid’s insurance agent once you’ve completed the claims submission, and your claim will be reviewed by the insurance provider. 

Once the review is done and your claim is approved, your maid’s insurance agent will liaise with any respective medical institutions involved and make the necessary payments needed.

It is important to note that some insurance policies may have a waiting period or deductible, which means that you, as your maid’s employer, may need to pay a certain amount out of pocket before the insurance coverage kicks in.